Friday, January 9, 2009

No more hair!

Well I cut Joanie and Joy's hair off yesterday. Joanie has been after me for 2 yrs to chop it off so she won. I will try to get a pic up to show you later.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas week

Wow there are so many things going on that I haven't posted. Some of the funny's the kids have done....

Elijah wanted to play tractors. He kept asking and then he decided to play. He made these funny noises and then falls backwards with his feet in the air. Boom! All of the sudden I busted out laughing because I realized what he was doing. He was doing the tractors from the Cars movie. Now if you have seen that you know what I am talking about. It was hilarious. He loves that movie.

Dawn was wanting some tickles and looks up at me and says " I have massive amounts of love, don't you want to tickle it?"

Joanie was at the kitchen table eating her sandwich. Something was in it. I have no idea how it got there. She pulls it out and says what is this? It looks like a stick. Then with a very funny voice. THink the Incredibles ... Fro Zones wife, "that is the grossest thing I ever did see."

Rosie has had an ear infection and only cried the past few days. I was all excited that she sat through breakfast this morning. It hasn't done alot for exercise but when they are little you can't help but to love 'em.

Since the ear infection Christmas was filled with crying but the rest of the kids had fun. They were super excited to get up in the morning and find out what they got. It was fun. After that we went to Gramma's house, ate dinner and spent the evening playing. Then we went to look at Christmas lights.

Christmas eve was at Dh Dad's house. The kids had so much fun playing with there cousins. That is always a Christmas treat for them. The boys especially like playing football. I was so excited to see how much Josiah was doing. He made me want to shout for joy just to hear him talk.

One week left with no school. We are enjoying the break.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mung Beans

I was having one of those days were I was slow moving. The house work was calling but the motivation was not there. I decided to give it my best for a few minutes. Sometimes 20 minutes can make a big difference .... that is without mung beans. I decided to move the buckets so the house didn't look cluttered. Unfortunately, I picked up a 25lb bag of mung beans that split down both sides. Not just a little hole I mean the whole thing! Boy was I unhappy about that. Joy sweetly tried to help me pick up the beans and put them in a container. Then she got the broom with Elijah and they started sweeping. Elijah was so excited about what we picked up in the dust pan he dropped the whole thing on the floor again! My dd didn't say a word and just reswept. Sometimes you can just be thankful that they try so hard when you need it. Sometimes she is so messy but made up for it. Now if you can guess all of the places 25lb of mung beans can hide you know we just started to clean them up! I have a feeling they will haunt us for a long time. As far as the house cleaning... it didn't happen just mung beans!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Oh my goodness little ones are too cute. Rosie discovered her shadow on the ground and was trying to pick it up! I have seen them chase there shadow or be amused at how it followed them. This is the first of watching those little fingers try to grasp for it.

The other week D. got mad at Daddy. That is so funny because he is all Daddy's! So he worked very hard at trying to ignore Daddy with a smurk. Daddy couldn't put him to bed either. So he decided he would carry a groodge. Yes I spelled that right. He worked up a good one right up until Daddy visited Joanie at school. Boy did he ever notice he wasn't bothered and it wasn't worth it. So when Daddy came home he had to let the groodge go and was hanging all over him. I think Daddy ate every minute of it.

Elijah is loving the pops corn! He only finished up 7 bowls. Yikes I don't know where he put it but he enjoyed every minute of it. We had a few very cold wet days which led to alot of movies. I just love the old Christmas classics. We did slip one non seasonal movie in which was so funny. It is called The Thrill of it All with Doris Day. That one the boys can't wait to watch again.

Well we have most of our Christmas shopping done. Unfortunately the hardest people are left. I have been shocked at the way I have seen stores jack up the prices. I am now thinking I will make sure I buy before the season.

We are trying hard to get the children to think outside of themselves. We made them go work in the neighbors yard. Boy they didn't want to do that. The boys saw their little sisters willing and didn't want to be left out. Once they got there they had so much fun. Now if we can just get them over the fear of doing it.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


A Good Morning Birthday Kiss!

How could you resist anything sweeter than a birthday kiss from your little brother!


Happy Thanksgiving! I am sitting here in a quiet house while the kids are at my Mom's. I don't know what to do with the quiet but it is a nice change. I am waiting for Rosie to wake up.

We had Joanie's 7th birthday on Sunday. It was so sweet to go out with her shopping and have her all to myself. She is a very thoughtful shopper. She had in her mind what she wanted and carefully made her selection. We looked at stuff for over 2 hours. I think she debated between two different doll sets in the Target for 20 minutes alone. She was so excited to decorate her cake and be the star.

Daniel was so excited for someone else's birthday to get more cake. He thinks it is for him. He tried to blow out Joanie's candles on her.

Heidi went missing on us. She stowed away in the car for 30 hours and had us worried. It is amazing how much a cat can mean that greets you until they are not there. We are just so thankful it wasn't summer when she tried this adventure.

Moriah is loving her cursive handwriting and giving us beautiful notes everyday. I keep thinking I need to have a box to save these treasures. Everyday you get them you wonder how you can keep them and so they get tossed once the fridge is too full. I am thinking of making each child a box to store there most precious creations. I look back at them and smile!